Before and After
Before you begin, review this article to make sure you are creating the best content type for the item you wish to add.
When you are done with the instructions below, go through the checklist in this article.
Creating the Assignment Shell
We always recommend creating new content directly from the Modules page in order to save yourself a few steps. Follow the steps below to set up the shell for your assignment. Then, proceed to the next section to add the assignment content and settings, and to finish the setup.
1. Starting in the student course you wish to add an item to, navigate to the Modules page
2. Scroll to the unit you wish to add the new item to
3. Click the "+" button to the far right-hand side of the unit's title as shown below
4. From the first dropdown, choose "Assignment" as shown below
5. Select "[New Assignment]" from the list of items
5. Give your new item a name under "Assignment Name"
6. Choose the level of indentation you would like the item to have. For example, if you want it to appear to be nested under another item, you may want to indent it one level more than that item. If you are not sure, this and the Assignment Name can be edited later.
7. Click the "Add Item" button when done
Your new item is now located at the bottom of the unit in an unpublished state.
Assignment Instructions and Settings
After setting up the shell, you need to select the settings for your new assignment item. Scroll to the bottom of the unit to locate the new item and click to open it. From the page that opens, click the "Edit" button near the top. Then, using the image below and the corresponding numbers beneath the image, pick the settings you wish to use.
1. Published/Unpublished status
2. Rich text area where you will write up the instructions for the assignment
3. Number of points the assignment is worth. The default is 0 points so you will need to enter the value.
4. Choose or change the Assignment Group (the grading weight category/group
5. Choose to grade your assignment by percentage, complete/incomplete, points, letter grade, GPA scale, or set as not graded.
6. If you wish to grade the assignment but not have it count towards the final grade, check this box.
7. Select the type of submission. For more about this, see the "Submission Types" section below.
8. To create a group assignment, check this box. Then, reach out to for help finishing this type of setup.
9. To add a peer review component to the assignment, check this box. Then, reach out to for help finishing this type of setup.
10. If you want to have non-students provide additional reviews of each submission to create a provisional grade, check this box. Then, reach out to for help finishing this type of setup.
11. Choose due dates and/or availability dates, assign to specific students, create differing due dates for different students, etc. (Note: if you plan to use due dates, you may need to adjust your course's time zone and have students do the same for their accounts. For more on course / account time zones, see here.)
When done, click "Save".
Submission Types
There are four submission types for assignments, each with different options. Read through the info below to determine which type you need for your particular assignment.
No Submission
Use this option when you do not want students to submit anything through the online course for the assignment. For example, this assignment type can be used to create a place to hold a grade in the Gradebook, or when you want to create an assignment that involves multiple scores. Note that this type does not apply to Not Graded assignments.
The online submission type allows three entry options as shown below.
Text Entry: Students can submit their assignment directly in the Rich Content Editor.
Website URLs: Students can submit a URL that fulfills the assignment. This option is useful if you wish the students to turn in work via Google Docs (by entering the share URL) or if you create your own assignment and ask your students to submit work via a URL.
File Uploads: Students can upload a file to fulfill the assignment. You can choose to restrict the types of files that can be uploaded, if you so choose, as shown below.
On Paper
Use this when you want students to submit an assignment to you but not through the online course platform. This assignment type applies when you want the assignment turned in on paper or by hand, but you still want to create a place in the gradebook for grading purposes. The advantage of this over the No Submission type is that it indicates to the student that the submission is being done on paper underneath the title of the assignment as shown below.
External Tool
For Project STEM teachers, you will use this when creating a copy of an existing coding assignment in the course. This is where you will copy and paste the link from the settings of the original assignment page. This allows the coding environment to show on the assignment page.
Finish Setup
When you are done, click the "Save" button to save the assignment. Then, use the Checklist for Creating Content to wrap up adding any requirements, publishing, etc., that needs to be done.